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What You Need to Know About the Nov. 7 Election

Metroport Chamber

The upcoming election on November 7th is fast approaching. There are several propositions on the ballot this year that cover a wide array of topics. Texans will decide the fate of 14 constitutional amendments approved for the ballot by state lawmakers. Check the open polling locations in your area before you head to the polls. Polling locations may differ from early voting ones in some counties. Check your designated precincts:

Here is a quick review of the propositions:

Proposition 1 (HJR 126) - This proposition would constitutionally protect landowners’ rights to engage in general agricultural practices on their own property and protect them from municipal encroachment potentially threatening their livelihood with overregulation that may prohibit or restrict their normal practices.

Proposition 2 (SJR 64) - This proposition would allow the governing body of a county or municipality to decide whether to grant an exemption on all or part of the appraised value of the real property value of a child-care facility from property taxes, which could help lower child-care costs.

Proposition 3 (HJR 132) - This proposition prohibits the State Legislature from creating a tax based on an individual’s wealth or assets. Currently, there is no language in the State Constitution against this. In the 2023 Legislative Session, there were eight states that introduced similar legislation to impose this type of tax.

Proposition 4 (HJR 2-88(2)) - This proposition aims to save taxpayers some money by raising the exemption levels on homestead taxes; temporarily limiting maximum appraised value of property for the purpose of property taxation on commercial, mineral and non-homestead residential properties under $5 million; compressing the school M&O taxes, raises the threshold for the amount of money a business can make before franchise taxes kick in; and requires the addition of three new members to the Appraisal District Board who are elected on ballots in counties over 75k population.

Proposition 5 (HJR 3) - This proposition pertains to colleges and universities participating in certain research areas and affects how funds are appropriated, designated and distributed. The schools that would initially be affected by this are the University of North Texas, Texas Tech University, Texas State University and the University of Houston.

Proposition 6 (SJR 75) - This proposition creates the Texas Water Fund as a way to fund water projects in the state. This is accomplished by moving $2 billion from the Rainy Day fund and will be overseen by the Texas Water Development Board.

Proposition 7 (SJR 93) - This proposition seeks to continue improving on the electrical market by creating the Texas Energy Fund, which will incentivize the completion of new or modernized electric thermal generating facilities through grants and zero interest loans.

Proposition 8 (HJR 125) - This proposition would create a fund to enable the expansion of access to broadband internet and telecommunication services.

Proposition 9 (HJR 2) - This proposition authorizes a cost-of-living increase to certain annuitants of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

Proposition 10 (SJR 87) - This proposition authorizes the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation equipment or inventory held by manufacturers of medical or biomedical devices or products vital to the medical industry. This could strengthen and increase our medical supply chain by encouraging the manufacturing and storage of these vital products in Texas.

Proposition 11 (SJR 32) - This proposition would allow El Paso County to participate in a previously enacted amendment allowing Texas counties to issue bonds to fund the development and maintenance of parks and recreation facilities.

Proposition 12 (HJR 134) - This proposition would allow the abolition of the office of county treasurer in Galveston County.

Proposition 13 (HJR 107) - This proposition increases the mandatory age of retirement for state justices and judges. Currently, the mandatory retirement age is 75. This proposition would change that to 79.

Proposition 14 (SJR 74) - This proposition will create a centennial parks conservation fund as a trust fund outside of the state treasury to create and improve state parks.

As you can see, there are a variety of bills on the ballot this year that will have an effect on individuals and business owners alike. Let’s all get out and vote Tuesday!


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